Understanding Background Checks


Whenever you apply for a job, a loan, a new home, or even a gun, you’re going to have to undergo a background check. You may not give this too much thought, especially if you have a clean record, but it’s still good to know what shows up on your background check . . . and what doesn’t.

  • Felonies and misdemeanor arrests and convictions appear on criminal background checks.
  • Any convictions more than 7 years old will not appear.
  • Any arrests and convictions as a juvenile should not show, as those lines are sealed upon turning 18.
  • Convictions where a pardon was granted will not appear.

Having points on your criminal record should not be the deciding factor as to whether or not you get a loan or a job. Plenty of people with criminal histories can find great employment and beautiful homes. Don’t let your criminal background, if you even have one, bring you down.

Panorama City Bail Bond Store can help you begin the “recovery” process of your criminal activity. If you or a loved one has been arrested, Panorama City Bail Bond Store can help you post bail with a low monthly rate payment plan. This will get you out of jail and back home where you can start focusing your life properly.

Handle this situation responsibly and you will get through it. Contact Panorama City Bail Bond Store today!

Call us today at 323-282-2157 or chat with us online for immediate assistance.