Take a Stress Test and Count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Store!

Take a Stress Test and Count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Store!
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Bailing your loved one out of jail seems like a huge weight of stress and anxiety at first, but with our help here at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, you will learn and see that you have very little to stress about.

For one, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store’s bail bonds are much more affordable than paying for cash bail. They are more available, a bail bond will only cost you 10% of the full bail amount. This 10% of the bail bond, called the premium, is paid off with a payment plan, one that was customized according to your financial needs.

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store accepts payments in cash, credit, debit, and checks; there is also a secure online payment portal for convenience.

In addition, because it is a payment plan, your loved one does not have to wait until the entire 10% is finally paid off to be released from jail. Your loved one can essentially be bailed out of jail within hours of his or her arraignment, which is when they learn if they are eligible for bail.

It will, of course, take responsibility on the defendant’s part. He or she will have to show up in court when they are scheduled to, and stay out of trouble. However, with the risk of being re-arrested, having their bail bond revoked, and having to pay a greater price, financially and with those were counting on them, it is more likely the defendant will be compliant. They do not want to lose more than what is already at risk.

Learn more about Los Angeles Bail Bond Store’s goals, mission, and commitment to their work and clients. See how much the company can reduce your stress on the situation too. Chat With Us online or call 323-282-2157.