Tag Archives: westlake bail information

Go To Westlake Bail Bond Store and Get the Bail Process Started, and Finished, Today

Bailing a loved one out of jail is much easier than most people think. All you really need to do in order to rescue your loved one, is talk to one of the amazing bail agents at Westlake Bail Bond Store. We will help you get your friend or family member out of jail in […]

‘Reasonable Suspicion’ And ‘Probable Cause’ Are Not Quite The Same Thing

It’s important for you, as a citizen, to understand the difference between “reasonable suspicion” and “probable cause”. For you, it’s so you know your rights and protections. For the police, it’s what they rely on when deciding to make an arrest, conduct a search, for question a person. Reasonable suspicion is when officers have the […]

How “Tattling” On Your Best Friend Might Just Be The Best Thing You Can Ever Do For Them

There is only so much you, or any one person, can do for a stubborn friend or family member. Perhaps now the best thing you can do for them is to “tattle” on them – tell their parents what their child has been up to, get them professional help, or even contact the police. It’s […]