Tag Archives: public intoxication laws

Is Public Intoxication a Misdemeanor in California?


Everyone knows that we’re not supposed to drink and drive. Many of us have gotten really good about making sure that whenever we go out to have a good time, we have a plan for getting home that doesn’t involve us driving. In some situations, we simply decide to walk home. While walking home while […]

California Public Intoxication Laws


MMany people assume that as long as they don’t get behind the wheel and try driving home they don’t have to worry about how much they drink when they go out. While the decision to never drive after you’ve been drinking is always wise, that doesn’t mean you can get a plastered as you want. […]

Public Intoxication Laws in California

public intoxication laws

Everyone knows that if you get behind the wheel and drive your car after you’ve had too much to drink that you’ll be arrested and have to deal with some serious legal consequences. What you might not know is that alcohol can get you into trouble even if you don’t plan on driving. If you’re […]