Tag Archives: nearest bail agents around me

What to Expect When You Are Arrested for a DUI for the First Time

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

DUI arrests happen a little too often around you. You can’t count the number of people you know who have been arrested for a DUI with your hands. Knowing what they each had to deal with makes you wonder what the charges are for someone who faces a DUI for the first time here in […]

What Happens If I Cannot Pay for Bail?

Inglewood Bail Bond Store

If you are arrested and granted bail, it means you have the chance to be released from jail as long as you pay a certain amount of money. We are not going to lie, this bail is more than likely going to be very expensive. However, if you do not pay it, you will remain […]

How Long Until I Can Put This Case To Rest?

Hollywood Bail Bond Store

When you have been keeping up with legal cases in the news, have you ever wondered why you are hearing about a trial finally starting for a crime that happened last year? Why did they have to wait this long to go to court? There are a number of factors that go into determining how […]

How Can I Reduce My Bail?

Gardena Bail Bond Store

Simply put, there really is no way you can reduce your bail once the judge has declared it. You can ask that the judge to reconsider, but in all likelihood, that bail amount will remain the same. The judge had already taken these facts into consideration: The crime that was committed Whether or not you […]

What to Expect If You Are Arrested While Out On Bail

Glendale Bail Bond Store

One major condition while being out on bail, is that the defendant cannot get into trouble and get arrested again. The point of bail is to prove to the court and the community that although you were accused of a crime, you are still trustworthy and honest enough to handle the situation with maturity, and […]