Tag Archives: los angeles easy payment bail bonds

Opportunities Are Best When Bail Is Posted

For those who are granted bail, posting bail is an option. They have the option to pay the money to get out of jail or they can just stay in jail for the time being. Some people cannot afford to post bail. By not posting bail, opportunities are limited. What kind of opportunities? The ability […]

Your Reaction To A Loved One’s Arrest

There’s no predicting your reaction to hearing that a loved one has been arrested. Depending on the circumstance, the type of person they are, and how close you are to them, your reaction can be anywhere between shocked to angry, to not even being surprised. This would be your initial reaction. However how you handle […]

Brighten A Day By Bailing Out

Just like spring presents brighter, happier days, you too can brighten a loved one’s future, by helping them bail out of jail. Jail is not pleasant; it’s dirty, dark, and uncomfortable. It’s miserable and always cold. There is no sign of light (figuratively) and there is nothing productive about it. You can change that for […]

Bail Bond Associated Terms, Defined

Before you agree to a bail bond company and their payment plan they set you up on, you’re going to want to know and be very well versed with the following common terms that are associated with bail and Bail bonds. By knowing and understanding these following terms, understanding the bail process and how that […]

How Long Do I Have Until I Can Post Bail?

As soon as you finish your bail hearing, you are free to post bail as quickly as possible. You cannot post bail any time before your bail hearing because you will not know what amount you would have to pay. The judge at the bail hearing will tell you what your bail is. Your bail […]