Tag Archives: los angeles bail information

Know Your Rights And Receive The Honest Legal Proceedings You Deserve

Innocent until proven guilty. That is a powerful right given unto all American citizens, a right exercised by the right to post bail until trial. As a defendant, do you know your full rights during the bail process? You have the right to: Know all the charges made against you. Non-excessive bail. Be presumed innocent. […]

Live by The Vows You Promised Your Partner

When a bond of love is honest, true, and strong, nothing will be able to break apart the two who promised to support and be each other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” This wedding vow might easily be said, but harder done when the lower end of […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store can help you protect your family

Unlike the police officers and other protective services who protect you from criminals on the streets, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store can offer a different type of protection: protection from a family torn apart because someone wound up getting arrested. With a family member in prison, the family goes through an incredible amount of stress […]

The great debate on violent video games: do they lead to violence in real life?

The debate on violent and crime-filled video games have been around for, well, since the beginning of violent video games! Do violent video games make people violent in real life? Not all video games are violent or crime-focused. For most, video game play is something to engage in on one’s down-time. It is a stress-reliever […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store honors their mission, values, and goals

California’s Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is proud to sit among the most honorable bail bond companies in the state. Our 27-year-old family owned and operated company works with integrity, compassion, and heart to help unite loved ones and resolve dire situations. On AbsoluteBailBonds.com, you’ll find that “It is the mission of our company to […]