Tag Archives: los angeles bail information

What Is Acceptable Bail Bond Collateral?

A common necessity to secure a bail bond is to get collateral for it. The collateral is pledged, kind of like a ransom, if you will. As long as the defendant goes to court as scheduled, collateral for the bail bond will be returned to the owner. However, if the defendant fails his or her […]

Bail Bond Agents Are Mean, Scary, And Intimidating – That’s A Myth!

Let’s get one thing straight: bail bond agents aren’t intimidating and mean thug-like people. (Don’t worry, that’s a common misconception across the board.) Bail bond agents, just like the ones who work at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services, are just your regular everyday people doing their job with passion and care. At least at […]

A Criminal History Won’t Necessarily Prohibit You From Voting In The Next Election

With the presidential election of 2016 coming up next year (you’re definitely hearing more and more about it in the news), you might be wondering if you or someone in particular would be eligible to vote. The reason you are not sure: because of the existence of a criminal history. Well, having a criminal background […]

Family First – Bail Out Of Jail And Be With Them

With just one person in jail, a whole family will be affected. There’s an essential part of the family that is missing and everything seems off. All everyone wants is to be together again, and the best way to achieve this as fast as possible is to get out of jail with a bail bond. […]

Bail First, Then Maybe You May Travel A Bit

When you bail your loved one out of jail in cash or with a bail bond, you need to keep track of his or her court schedule. Making all court appearances is a critical condition of release because otherwise, they will be rearrested and put back into jail. Plus, any remainder of the bail will […]