Tag Archives: los angeles bail bondsman

Different Kinds of Trespassing

There is a reason for that “Do not enter” sign that is posted on the fence. Whether it is private property, a protected natural habitat, or a hazardous location, you should always obey that sign. Even if the area you are trying to reach consistently has visitors trespassing with little to no interruption from the […]

Smoking One Day, Being Denied the Next: CA’s New Smoking Laws

As teens, we looked forward to turning 16 because it is sweet, 18 because we become adults and can vote and purchase cigarettes, and 21 because we can drink. However, with a new law just about ready to make its rule known, there will be some change here, with one less thing to look forward […]

Things to Avoid for Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend is fast approaching, and in order to allow yourself to stay out as long as you wish, and drink as much as you want, while remaining safe of course, we want you to arrange your transportation to and from your shindig ahead of time. You have plenty of options: Lyft, Uber, taxi, […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Answering Contact Sports

The NBA Finals are here and things are getting intense and even personal among fans. This beloved game gets fans anxious and excited, but they can easily get riled too. Basketball is quite the contact sport these days, but the contact should only remain among the players and never the fans. We are all too […]

How California Bail Works

For defendants, there is a price for freedom and that price can be very low, a few hundred dollars, extremely high, one million dollars, or anywhere in between. Freedom is what America is all about, so who gets to put a price on freedom for defendants? And how is that amount determined for each person? […]