Tag Archives: los angeles bail bondsman

Crime Rates Could Rise In California

Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

At the start of 2017, the state of New Jersey implemented a new bail reform policy. The policy is very similar to one California lawmakers are trying to implement with SB10. The stated goal is to reduce the number of inmates being held in prison. The proposed law accomplishes this by releasing arrested individuals without […]

What Is My Monthly Payment?

Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

Once people figure out what the initial cost of their loved one’s bail bond will be, they want to know how much the monthly payments will cost. Unfortunately, much like figuring out the initial cost of the bail bond, figuring out monthly payments requires a lot of information. This makes it hard to give people […]

How to Handle a Warrant

Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

If you are like most people, then you have probably never needed to deal with a warrant. Unfortunately, there may come a time when you have to do just that. As much as many people would prefer to never think of something like this happening to them, they should. It helps to be prepared after […]

When Should the Party End?

LA Bail Bond Store

Have you heard of the proposed bill by Senator Scott Weiner from San Francisco that would allow bars to stay open later? State Bill 384, which is referred to as “Let Our Communities Adjust Late Night” or LOCAL Act for short, will allow communities to adjust how late restaurants and bars can serve alcohol. Under […]

Knowing Weird Laws Can Be a Benefit

LA Bail Bond Store

Did you know that in California, women may not drive in a housecoat, or that no vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour? We are not pulling your leg. These are real laws that are still written in California’s law books. They are not the only weird, odd, peculiar laws this state […]