Tag Archives: los angeles bail bonds

Petty Theft Versus Grand Theft

Shoplifting is a serious crime yet 1 in 11 Americans do so anyway. Shoplifting is classified into two categories: petty theft and grand theft. Here is the difference between the two: Petty Theft Petty theft is property and goods stolen that is worth less than $950. This is often charged as a misdemeanor and if […]

If There Is One Person To Ask For Help From, It’s Mom

If there’s one person you shouldn’t be scared of asking for help from, it’s Mom. This woman provides the greatest love and care of all people and she will never give you any less, even if you asked her to! Of course, you couldn’t bear to see her angry or disappointed in you, but it’s […]

What Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Can Do For You And Your Family

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, we have not one, but two specialties: bailing people out of jail, and happily reuniting loved ones. How are we able to accomplish this so successfully? 27 years of industry experience Licensed and experienced agents who undertake mandatory training and classes each year to remain fresh Affordable monthly payment […]

Protest For Your Rights, But Don’t Get In Trouble

Over the past year, America has captured international news for matters we wish weren’t so: rioting in our beautiful cities over the deaths of African-American individuals at the hands of police officers, particular Caucasian officers. Most recently: the death of Freddie Gray who died while in police custody in Baltimore, MD. It’s one thing to […]

My Miranda Could Be The “Guardian Angel” You Never Knew You Had

Miranda is like a middle-aged guardian angel looking out for all arrested individuals. Before the 1960s Miranda vs. Arizona case, there were no laws protecting the rights of arrested people. They could be interrogated under intimidating police methods that might lead to a false submission of guilt. This then would be used to put that […]