Tag Archives: los angeles bail bond services

How Bail Benefits The Public

It might not have occurred t you, but did you know that the public benefits from bail bonds, not just the person the bail bond is for? By bailing a person out of jail, it lowers pre-trial jail populations, meaning people pay less for the taxes it otherwise could cost. People eligible for bail are […]

The Stark Reality Of Not Paying Bail

If you’ve ever been arrested and bailed out of jail, be grateful. People who cannot afford bail face a harsh reality that we hope no one will ever have to endure. Being in jail is about survival. Jails are filled with dangerous, intimidating criminals. And not only is the company unwelcoming, the physical environment is […]

She Thought Her Life Was Over When She Was Arrested. She Was Wrong.

Young, beautiful, social, and successful. She was thoroughly enjoying her life, as it seemed as picture perfect as possible. Then one day, she was arrested (for a crime we will not discuss, as it could be anything between not paying tickets to murder). Sitting in jail, she thought her life as she knew it, was […]

How Much Time Do I Have To Pay My Bail Bond?

Unlike paying your bond in entirety in cash to the court soon after learning the amount, paying for your bail bond is differently – lengthier, if you will. However, the exact amount of time you have to pay for the bail bond will depend on your financial needs and the payment schedule your bail bond […]

Bail Bond Store Are The Best Alternative To Paying Bail – Unless You Get ‘Own Recognizance’

Unless you are allowed to be released on own recognizance, bail bonds are the best alternative to paying bail. Being released on own recognizance means the defendant merely signs a paper acknowledging his or her promise to show up in court on the assigned date. They do not need to pay any bail amount. However, […]