Tag Archives: los angeles bail bond services

What To Do When You Aren’t Able to Give Your Friend The Help They Need

As much as we want to give our friends all the help they need, there are times where we simply cannot provide that. We shouldn’t take this as failure or defeat for ourselves. It just means our friend needs more specific, dedicated, and professional help and it is honestly best to have someone else provide […]

5 Things You Need To Know About Your Rights Right Now

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, we serve to protect the rights of those who have been arrested, whether that person is truly guilty of the crime or not. That’s why we offer an unmatched bail bond service. We are the most reliable, affordable, and helpful bail bond in California. If you are arrested, it […]

Here’s What You Can Do To Ensure You Get The Lowest Bail Possible

Bail is expensive and unfortunately there really isn’t much anyone can do about it. There are tips for lowering your bail amount possibility, though you’ll still probably think it’s expensive and we’d probably agree. But you’ll take what you can get, right? Here is what you can do to ensure you get the lowest bail […]

What All Those Legal Bail Words Mean And Why They Matter

Bail – determined by a judge, this is the amount of money a defendant will need to pay court in order to leave jail. Bond, or bail bond – a written contract from a professional bail agent to the court (acts as bail payment) with the understanding that if the defendant fails to go to […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Wants To Help You

No one ever anticipates needing to help bail a loved one (or themselves!) out of jail so you certainly shouldn’t be expected to know how you’re going to pay for bail immediately. Los Angeles Bail Bond Store wants to help you. We offer an optional way of paying for bail: instead of paying court 100% […]