Tag Archives: los angeles bail bond process

Fraud Is Wrong, Bail Is Not

Fraud is defined as: “wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.” There are all kinds of fraud like credit card fraud, identity fraud/ theft, and disability fraud, to name a few. Fraud is a big problem in the United States, and disability fraud alone saw over 90,000 allegations last year. […]

What You Can Expect with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Wondering whether you should help bail your loved one out of jail or not should be a no-brainer. So many horrible thoughts run through your mind about your loved one being arrested: he or she is in trouble, he or she is in danger in jail, he or she is surrounded by some hardened criminals, […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is a Name You Can Rely On

Friends tend to come and go and with that, so does trust and reliability. Friends who grow apart may not consider each other to be the person who will bail them out of jail years from now. Current good friends also may not want to be the ones you go to and there is no […]

It Is Time to Grow Up

Being stupid and careless is a part of growing up. Mom and Dad were always there to pick you up from detention, to wait up as you got home past curfew, and make sure you apologized to your classmate for being a bully, but those days are over. Now that you are an adult, your […]

In Case of Emergency, Call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

You know how in your phone, you can set up In Case of Emergency (ICE) contacts? You have probably got Mom, Dad, and a couple close friends on there. However, if you are someone who gets into a lot of trouble, or someone very close to you faces frequent legal problems, you might consider adding […]