Tag Archives: los angeles bail bond news

Behind The Bars: What Happens After An Arrest

If you are ever arrested, our guess is that your next few hours and days might seem very strange, awkward, and embarrassing. Strange because you don’t know what to expect next, awkward because you’re doing know what to do until you’re told, and embarrassing because well, you’ve been arrested and everyone is judging you. Well, […]

What You Always Need To Remember If You Are Getting Pulled Over

You’re driving along and suddenly hear sirens. You look around your mirrors and realize the cop is behind you. You are getting pulled over and now you are starting to panic. What did you do wrong? Why is the cop after me? Here are some things to remember if you are getting pulled over: Pull […]

Can’t Bear To Imagine Your Loved One In Jail? Now You Don’t Have To

Jails are overcrowded. They’re populated with all sorts of criminals. They’re dirty, depressing, and dangerous. But thanks to Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, you don’t have to bear to imagine your loved one in such a place after he or she is arrested. With just a quick phone call to us, we can sort out […]

You’re Smart Enough To Know Your Safety

It’s graduation season! Don’t be surprised to see your now grown-up child going off to nightly parties with friends. He or she is ready to enter the “real world” and just wants to celebrate this huge milestone. But as always, just remind them to be safe while having as much fun as they can. The […]

Find Yourself A Good Role Model

A part of succeeding in our lives is having a good role model to look up to. Whether it’s Mom or Dad or a friend, a sibling, or even someone you don’t personally know like the President, or a celebrity, or a humanitarian, or a CEO, having a role model is very critical. These role […]