Tag Archives: justice system in los angeles

Your New Year’s Resolution: Always Be The Reason Your Loved One Smiles

No New Year’s resolutions list can be too long and too unrealistic, right? For 2016, we have one challenge, one resolution for you – get your loved one the serious help she or he needs. Whether it’s getting their parents, a rehab center, a counselor, even the police involved, set your loved one straight. Do […]

3 Most Common Bail Bond Myths: Debunked

Knowledge about bail and bail bonds is not something you learn in school, it’s something you probably learn while watching television and movies. For some people, it’s something they eventually learn as they deal with it in real life. TV and movies don’t 100% accurately depict or explain bail and bail bonds, and there are […]

Warning: DUI Arrests Increase On New Year’s Eve

In early January 2015, California Highway Patrol reported that the number of DUI arrests made over New Year’s Eve 2014 and New Year’s Day 2015 doubled compared to the same two days ringing in 2014. This increase was both for Los Angeles County and the state of California. In LA County, there were 219 DUI […]

If Our Work Means Reuniting Loved Ones, You Can Definitely Find Us Right In The Mix, Even On A Holiday

With your spouse sitting in jail and Christmas being only a couple days away, can you imagine what Christmas morning is going to be like? Your kids wake up to another day without Mommy or Daddy at home. Well thankfully, you don’t have to imagine that or let that happen in real life because you […]

California Gun Laws

The debate over gun laws and control will never be changed so that everyone is satisfied with the results. This is one of those sensitive issues. 14 people were killed and another 21 were left injured at a San Bernardino, CA holiday party just recently. This was the nation’s deadliest mass shooting since Sandy Hook […]