Tag Archives: illegal dumping

Littering Consequences in California


You already know that you’re not supposed to litter. It’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t throw things out your car windows, leave trash scattered around a campsite, or drop food wrappers while you’re walking. What you might not know is exactly what happens if you fail to do the right thing and clean up after […]

What Are the Littering Laws Here in California?

Littering laws here in california

For the most part, people don’t think about littering too much. For some, it is a concept that never crosses their mind because they always throw stuff away in trash cans. For others, it is something they do without a second thought. They don’t even consider how it might affect other people. Littering and illegal […]

Illegal Dumping Laws in California

los angeles bail bond store dumping laws

Everyone wants to live in a place that looks nice. When a person’s home or city looks nice, they take more pride in it. After all, everyone loves it when something of theirs looks nice. Due to that, people also really hate it when someone else messes up something they care about. Everyone wants their […]

What Could Be Considered Illegal Dumping?

What Could Be Considered Illegal Dumping?

Everyone generates trash that they want to get rid of. Sometimes the item that a person is throwing away is simply broken, or it was just the wrapper that contained the item. No matter the case, the item is no longer needed and is discarded. Now most people, when they collect too much trash, they […]

Where Do You Get Rid of Your Trash?

Where Do You Get Rid of Your Trash?

Trash is always a bit of a problem, and anyone who has driven on California’s roadways can confirm that. The state’s roads are littered with rubbish that people have simply abandoned there. It happens all of the time, and in many cases, people get away with it. Due to the perceived lack of consequences for […]