Tag Archives: how do you bail someone out of jail

What Should I Do if My Family Fights?

family fighting consequences

Families fight. Some just happen to fight more than others. The trick to weathering family fights is recognizing the signs that the fight is starting to escalate into something that won’t simply blow over and taking steps to diffuse the situation. Remove Yourself From the Situation When a fight is starting to get too loud […]

Legal Consequences of Rioting

california rioting consequences

These days, it seems like every time you turn on the news, you encounter a story about a riot. Major cities throughout the United States are dealing with the fallout from riots. While everyone knows that riots are frightening and illegal, few of us understand what the legal ramifications are of getting caught in the […]

What happens to the passengers of a suspected DUI driver?

consequences of drunk driving

The law is clear. If your blood alcohol level is 0.08% or higher and you’re pulled over, you’ll be charged with a DUI. What isn’t clear is what happens if you’re the drunk passenger in a vehicle that’s being operated by a drunk driver. The good news is that you can’t be charged with a […]

Which Bail Bonds Business Should you Choose!

Which bail bonds business should you choose

If you need a bail bond, you want to quell your first instinct of going with the first company you contact. It’s possible that you’ll connect with a truly outstanding family-owned bail bonds business that offers everything from zero interest bail to a reasonable payment plan. It’s also possible you’ll get scammed by a company […]

Should you Bail your Buddy Out of Jail

Should you bail your buddy out of jail

You love your best buddy and have no hesitation about going out of your way to help them whenever they ask, but getting asked to post bail is different from agreeing to help them move. When your best friend calls and asks you to help cover their bail, there are a few things you need […]