Tag Archives: hollywood bail bond services

New York: Let That Expectant Mother Drink!

A pregnant woman is well aware that she should not drink alcohol, but even if she does order something alcoholic at a restaurant or bar, that establishment could refuse her that drink. Clearly, it is all for the good of the woman and her baby, but have you considered that the refusal could be discrimination? […]

Celebrities Do Not Get Special Treatment

When you are on social media, you are putting your life up for others to see. For most people, we generally do not think anyone outside of our small circle of friends and family will see our content. For celebrities however, millions of people are watching. Celebrity status can be nice and all, but there […]

When The Cost Of A Music Festival Includes Bail

As the popularity of attending massive music festivals rises, so does the number of arrests, unfortunately. The most common offenses at music festivals are drug possession, public intoxication, and trespassing. Getting arrested for such violations at a music festival may be quite the bummer, but it should serve as a “wake up call”! Some unfortunate […]

What Is A Governor’s Pardon?

Not every hard criminal is a truly bad person that their criminal record might make them out to be. Some people are so determined to not let their arrest and conviction define them; they have the motivation to prove to others that they are a good and trustworthy person. For these very select individuals, they […]