Tag Archives: glendale bail bond company

Dedication and Commitment with Glendale Bail Bond Store

Glendale Bail Bond Store

When you hire a lawyer, you expect him or her to give you his or her best efforts. A truly good lawyer is going to want the best for you, and will work hard to make sure you get that. A truly good lawyer is 110% invested in you. That is the same kind of […]

Cannot Decide If You Can Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail?

Glendale Bail Bond Store

Your loved one has been arrested and needs your help to meet bail. You have a lot of things to consider, so you question whether or not you should help your loved one out. Well, it should be no question, you should bail your loved one out. Wouldn’t he or she do the same for […]

Sort Your Bail Bond Payments With Tax Refunds

If you overpaid taxes last year, you have the option of applying the excess amount to this year’s taxes, or have it refunded to you. In deciding which option would be more beneficial to you, consider your current financial situation. Do you plan to make a large purchase sometime soon? Have you been spending more […]

Bail Is Not Tax Deductible, Sorry

Although it might seem tax deductible because it’s a payment going to the government, bail is not tax deductible. Bail is a guarantee (like a bribe, essentially) to get a defendant to appear in court for a crime they are accused of committing. As long as the defendant is compliant with this and his or […]

Using Taxes To Your Bail Bond Benefit

Taxes are the last thing you want to think about or take care of this time of year, but really, they shouldn’t be put off to the last minute. And maybe this year you have better reason to get them done as soon as possible – you’ve got bail bond payments to make. You might […]