Tag Archives: free consultations

How Your Phone Or MP3 Can Get You Arrested

Your text messages don’t contain information and secrets that you did something wrong, you’re not bullying another person through your phone, and you’re not sending, receiving, and taking any illegal photos. So how can your phone or MP3 still get you arrested? Your downloaded music by prove to be a problem for you later on. […]

Guns, Bail, And Jail

California holds the nation’s strictest gun laws. Most assault weapons are illegal to sell, purchase, and own, including the ones where the ammunition magazine can be reloaded over again. However, there is one that is just as deadly, yet legal, to own: a gun with bullet button. It takes a tool like a pen in […]

Expert Bail Help Is Closer Than You Think

If someone you are close to was arrested, would you not do everything in your power to get him or her out of jail? The answer is, or course, yes, but do you know how to rescue a loved one from jail? Fear not, because expert bail help is no more than a click or […]

Bail Bond Payments Are For Us

Paying for a bail bond has never been easier and more seamless. These days, bail bonds are not only paid on a payment plan with low monthly rates, but most agencies like Gardena Bail Bond Store Services also accepts various forms of payment. Cash, all major credit and debit cards, checks, collateral – whatever combination […]

This Is What You Need To Do If You’re Ever Pulled Over

If you’re ever pulled over, there some things you can and should do in order to protect your rights. These are standard procedures all citizens should do if they’re ever pulled over, whether they did something wrong or not, and even if you intend to be fully respectable and compliant with the police. Know the […]