Tag Archives: flexible payment plan

How Can a Defendant Get Out of Jail?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Someone who is arrested has been accused of a crime. They are legally considered innocent until proven guilty in court, but their trial in court may not happen for some time after their arrest. What happens to the accused during this time? It is not fair to keep the accused in custody unless they are […]

The Best Agents at Beverly Hills Bail Bond Store

Beverly Hills Bail Bond Store

With your loved one’s freedom literally in the hands of a stranger at Beverly Hills Bail Bond Store, you must have anxiety running through you. That is in addition to the stress and other emotions you are dealing with knowing that your loved one is sitting in jail. Let us help you ease that stress. […]

Use Your Tax Return For Bail!

Does Mojave Bail Bond Store accept tax return money for a bail bond payment? Of course! Because your tax return is really your money, there are no restrictions about using it for a bail bond payment. What happens is that when you receive your tax return from the government, you’ll need to make sure that […]

Get Your Valentine Out Of Jail With Agua Dulce Bail Bond Store

Every person means something to another person. They are cared about, thought of, looked after, loved. When something goes wrong, they have a person or people they can rely on for help, even if they disappointed them or made them angry. During Valentine’s weekend, some people will be arrested or already in jail. While their […]

Understanding False Arrests

As you’re well aware, not every person who has been arrested is truly guilty of the crime they were arrested for. When law enforcement wrongly arrests a person, it is called a false arrest and is actually a crime in itself. A false arrest by the police is not one that is not supported by […]