Tag Archives: flexible bail payment plans in los angeles

The Unlawful Taking of Pictures and Video Recording


Thanks to built-in cameras on smartphones, most of us have a camera at our disposal 24/7. We’re able to record everything. We use the phone camera for selfies, points of interest, and to record the actions of others. We’ve grown so accustomed to taking photos and videos of everything that we rarely stop and think […]

Are you Being Stalked?


Stalking is a major problem in the United States. Every single year there are about 6 million people who find themselves in a position of having to report stalking-related incidents. While most stalking victims are women, that’s not always the case. Each year men, who often assume that they don’t have to worry about stalkers, […]

Is Social Media a Danger to You?


Social media is extremely important to many of us. We use it to develop careers, stay in touch with friends and family, learn new hobbies, and make life altering connections. As much as we love social media, there are times when we find ourselves wondering if the channels we’re using could be potentially dangerous to […]

The Difference Between a State and Federal Warrant


Most of us know that the police can’t simply walk into our homes and start searching it unless you’ve given them permission to do so, or if they’ve gone through the correct legal channels and acquired a warrant. The same is true when it comes to arrests. While there are some exceptions, such as drunk […]

California Public Intoxication Laws


MMany people assume that as long as they don’t get behind the wheel and try driving home they don’t have to worry about how much they drink when they go out. While the decision to never drive after you’ve been drinking is always wise, that doesn’t mean you can get a plastered as you want. […]