Tag Archives: family

Being An Immigrant In The U.S.

Living as an immigrant (especially an undocumented one) is pretty terrifying, we bet. Every day. But, immigrants do have special rights that protect them, to some degree. And we can’t stress enough how imperative it is to know these rights. You have the right to remain silent. You do not have to discuss your immigration […]

This Could Happen To Anyone, Including You

There are so many things in life we can prepare for (and that’s great), but there are some things we cannot foresee, such as suddenly needing to bail someone who you love out of jail. Just like we tell ourselves that “I’ll never be one to get into a car accident” or “I won’t be […]

California, Marijuana, And The Law

As lax as the police and the people might seem about marijuana in California, the drug is still technically not legalized in the state of California. That means you can be arrested and charged for growing, owning, distributing/ selling, and smoking marijuana unless you have a card, permit, or license for medical reasons. The severity […]

Bail Bond Agents Are Mean, Scary, And Intimidating – That’s A Myth!

Let’s get one thing straight: bail bond agents aren’t intimidating and mean thug-like people. (Don’t worry, that’s a common misconception across the board.) Bail bond agents, just like the ones who work at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services, are just your regular everyday people doing their job with passion and care. At least at […]

Family First – Bail Out Of Jail And Be With Them

With just one person in jail, a whole family will be affected. There’s an essential part of the family that is missing and everything seems off. All everyone wants is to be together again, and the best way to achieve this as fast as possible is to get out of jail with a bail bond. […]