Tag Archives: family

The Best People To Ask For Help & Support: Your Parents

It should go without saying that the best people to ask for help and support in critical times are your parents. We know, you’re probably thinking you don’t want to burden your parents with your problems and you’re an adult now so you need to set yourself straight on your own. Honestly though? We want […]

Florence Bail Bond Store Services Works 24/7/365

Most people shut down for some time during the holiday season because well, it’s the holiday season. But there are some who absolutely will not, including us at Florence Bail Bond Store Services. People get in trouble, or are in trouble all the time, even if it’s one of the biggest holidays of the year. […]

Glendale Bail Bond Store Services Makes Bail Affordable For All of Our Clients

Finding out a friend or family member was arrested can be shocking. No one plans on their loved ones getting arrested, and so most people are not prepared for the financial burden that comes with bailing a person out of jail. A loved one’s bail bond can be expensive, and if you use the wrong […]

This Is When You’d Get Arrested For Jaywalking

Even though most people do it, it’s still illegal: jaywalking. There are a bunch of other such instances where it’s technically illegal to do something but people do it anyway and get away with it all the time. But this time, we’ll focus on jaywalking because the police, especially in Silverlake, are cracking down on […]

For Your Entertainment: 7 Oddest California Laws

The below are a round-up of what we have concluded to be the 7 dumbest, silliest, most absurd laws in California (ranked in no particular order). We’re basing our criteria mostly on the fact that we’re dumbfounded as to why these are even laws because they’re just out-right “w-t-f”. We hope you find this entertaining […]