Tag Archives: echo park easy payment bail bonds

Weird Laws in California That You Can Be Arrested For

You may think that California is all ideal beaches, beautiful sunshine, and has nothing odd to it, but trust us. At Echo Park Bail Bond Store, we know that there is plenty weird to California. Having worked in the bail bond industry for nearly 30 years, and understanding the legal processes, we have definitely seen […]

Admitting You’ve Been Arrested

Admitting to something so serious like getting arrested can be very hard to do but once you get it over with, you’ll find your uphill climb to be much easier. No matter what the crime you committed was, you always know there are certain people you can talk to openly. This revelation to them likely […]

The Echo Park Bail Bond Store Family Is Your Family

When you call Echo Park Bail Bond Store, don’t expect a draining conversation with an automated message where you’re asked to keep pushing numbers to try and resolve your issue. You’ll immediately be greeted by one of our best representatives who will talk you through the bail bond process and figure out the best solution […]

CA Laws That Leave Us Scratching Our Heads

You think you’ve heard and seen the weirdest, strangest things like powdered eggs and an app that allows people to request another person, a stranger, to wait in line for them at a restaurant so they do not have to. Well, you haven’t seen this list of the oddest laws in California that is definitely […]

Answers To Your 4 Most Pressing Bail Bond-Related Questions

If this is your first time needing to bail someone out of jail, we’re sure you have a lot of questions for us, Echo Park Bail Bond Store, about what to expect, how the process is, and your money. To get started, we’ve picked out the most common questions we receive, and here some answers […]