Tag Archives: driving under the influence

The Long-Lasting Consequences of Drunk Driving in California

driving under the influence

Like all other states, California has taken a hard stance on drunk driving. It isn’t tolerated. If you’re caught behind the wheel after having just a little too much to drink, you’ll face steep consequences that will have a major impact on the overall quality of your life. California’s Legal Limit California has different legal […]

Drink Responsibly This Saint Patrick’s Day

Drink responsibly this saint patricks day

There are certain times of the year where people like to party more than any other. This is especially true around holidays like New Year’s Eve and Saint Patrick’s Day. Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations in particular involve a whole lot of drinking. Drinking alcohol itself is ok, provided a person does so responsibly. When it […]

Halloween and DUI’s

los angeles bail bond store halloween and drunk driving

October is here and that means Halloween is only a few weeks away. For kids, this means getting ready for a massive candy score after trick-or-treating. Adults are often more concerned with what parties they will be attending that night. These can be a lot of fun, provided the person is responsible with their actions. […]

Uber Is Cheaper than a DUI

uber is cheaper than a dui

In this day and age, there really is no reason for anyone to ever drive drunk. Advancements in technology, primarily the smart phone, have made finding a ride home easy and affordable. Apps like Uber and Lyft allow a person to hire a ride at any time, just about anywhere. Despite this fact, some people […]

Don’t Get a DUI on Saint Patrick’s Day

Consequences of drinking and driving

Saint Patrick’s Day is almost here, and people all over the country are making plans to go out and party. This green holiday is one of the biggest of the year when it comes to drinking. For the most part that isn’t much of a problem. However, there are some people out there who make […]