Tag Archives: committing a crime

The Differences Between Theft, Robbery, and Burglary

LA Bail Bond Store

When a person takes something from another without permission, it is called theft, robbery, or burglary. You think to yourself, “those three words all mean the same thing. They are synonyms for each other.” In the broad sense, this is true. However, each of these are distinct crimes under California law that are related, yet […]

Be a Part of the Statistic That Prevents Crime, Not Increases It

Disappointingly, crime in Los Angeles has increased for the second year in a row, by 16% this time. You have heard about multiple incidents in the news. Maybe you know someone who was directly involved with a crime. Maybe you were directly involved. Nonetheless, this statistic should not deter your motivations toward being a better […]

Do Not Be Afraid of a Checkpoint

There is a good chance you, or someone you know, will come across a DUI checkpoint sometime in your life, and that time may be during 4th of July Weekend. Unless you are driving while under the influence, have a gun, or are running away from just committing a crime, you have nothing to worry […]