Tag Archives: child safety

California’s Car Seat Laws


Every parent who has an infant knows that they’re supposed to have a car seat installed in their vehicle. They even know that it’s state law. What some parents don’t know is how important the car seat is and the consequences of having a car seat that doesn’t meet current safety standards, that isn’t properly […]

When Can Children Be Left Home Alone?

When can children be left home alone

Parenting is rarely an easy task at the best of times. When times get tough, like they have recently, parenting can get even tougher. With schools shut down all over the country, many parents have suddenly been reminded of just how tough parenting is. This is only made worse when some parents are still working, […]

Bringing Newborns into the Office

Bringing newborns into the office

Being a parent is not an easy task. Children, especially babies, require a lot of attention and work. Any parent will tell you that taking care of a baby is a full time job. It is hard enough to deal with on its own, but then parents inevitably have to go back to work. This […]

Who Do You Open the Door For?

children answering the door

The front door to a home is a portal to safety for many people. Once a person is home, they no longer have to worry about people or the outside world. They are in their own personal kingdom. They make the rules, and get to do whatever they want. A person’s home is their sanctuary, […]