Tag Archives: cheapest bail bonds services

The Secret To Bailing Your Loved One Out Of Jail

The secret to bailing your loved one out of jail really isn’t much of a secret. It just happens to be hidden in plain sight, under common sense, if you will. It’s not about the cost or the crime or the location. It’s about finding the best bail bond company and agent that will help […]

We Get What You’re Going Through

No, this is not part of our standardized customer service procedures. Our team, our family here at Westmont Bail Bond Store really does understand what you’re going through. While not all of us (120+ agents and representatives) have been in the exact same situations you are in, some of us have. Yep, some of our […]

This Could Happen To Anyone, Including You

There are so many things in life we can prepare for (and that’s great), but there are some things we cannot foresee, such as suddenly needing to bail someone who you love out of jail. Just like we tell ourselves that “I’ll never be one to get into a car accident” or “I won’t be […]

What Is Acceptable Bail Bond Collateral?

A common necessity to secure a bail bond is to get collateral for it. The collateral is pledged, kind of like a ransom, if you will. As long as the defendant goes to court as scheduled, collateral for the bail bond will be returned to the owner. However, if the defendant fails his or her […]

California, Marijuana, And The Law

As lax as the police and the people might seem about marijuana in California, the drug is still technically not legalized in the state of California. That means you can be arrested and charged for growing, owning, distributing/ selling, and smoking marijuana unless you have a card, permit, or license for medical reasons. The severity […]