Tag Archives: cheap bail bnds

Your Troubles Affect Other People Too, Not Just You

Just like how your positive actions and achievements can have a favorable influence on people who admire you, your negative actions will affect them too, and not in ways you want to see. Your negative actions have immediate consequences of you of course, but don’t forget what consequences it can have for those who love […]

The “Getting Out Of Jail Free” card

Typically when someone is arrested, they can either post bail to be released until they must reappear in court, or they will have to wait out that time period in jail. On occasion, however, a defendant can be released “on their own recognizance.” In this case, the defendant will sign a paper promising to show […]

Why it’s so Important to Maintain Close Relationships With Your Closest Companions

As people grow up, they meet new people, make new friends, and begin to engage in new and different interests and activities – that is all completely normal. It is also important to do the best to maintain close relationships with even the oldest friends, as difficult as that may be sometimes especially if they […]

Various Methods of Paying For a Bail Bond

Bail can be paid for in any of the following forms: Cash Check Credit card Collateral, most often in the form of real estate property A bond Own recognizance, which is actually a waiver of payment where the defendant signs a form and promises to appear in court when required.The availability of this option is […]

How Using Bail Bond Store Benefits The Public

Most people know two things about bail: 1) it’s costly, and 2) it just keeps people out of jail until their court hearing. However, what most people don’t know are all the hidden benefits of saving money and impacting safety for the public: Pre-trial jail populations are reduced at no expense to taxpayers. Defendants out […]