Tag Archives: cash bail

More People Seek Bail Bonds than Cash Bail

Bail bonds are what many people use to get out of jail. However, please note that bail bonds are only for those who, one, are granted the opportunity to bail, and two, have yet to be convicted or acquitted during trial. So, anyone who has already been convicted of their crime and is doing time […]

Easy Ways to Save Money for a Bail Bond

Even though paying for a bail bond is significantly more affordable than paying for cash bail, some people still struggle more than others to meet the financial demands of the bail bond. Los Angeles Bail Bond Store understands that everyone has different financial situations, so we try and work with each client individually to come […]

Turn Bail Bond Negatives into Positives

We are going to debunk some myths haunting the dreaded bail bond industry and in itself, debunk the myth that the bail bond industry is dreadful. Many people see only negativity, but we are going to show you why there is positivity within it. Myth: Bail agents look like big, scary bouncers. This is stereotyping. […]