Tag Archives: california laws

5 Commonly Ignored Driving Laws

los angeles bail bond store ignored driving laws

Anyone who has ever driven knows that there are a lot of laws to follow while on the road. With so many different things to pay attention to, it can be hard to follow all of the rules 100% of the time. This is especially true when people witness others breaking certain laws and figure […]

Trespassing at a Zoo

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When going anywhere, it is important for a person to be sure that they have permission to be in that area. Privately owned property is everywhere, including public areas. Many people do not realize that places like stores and parks, even though open to the public, are actually private property. The land owner has simply […]

California Restraining Orders

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Everyone just wants to feel safe. Unfortunately, some people meet someone that does not let them feel safe when they are near. In some cases, just putting some distance between that other person is enough to get them to leave the other alone. Unfortunately, not everyone can take the hint. Sometimes the person continues to […]

California’s Seat Belt Laws

los angeles bail bond store california seat belt laws

Every driver has seen a sign telling them and their passengers to buckle their seat belts. Most people don’t need to be reminded to buckle up. They know that wearing their seat belt is the best way to stay safe in the event of an accident. However, there are still some people out there who […]

Tagging and Graffiti Laws Here in California

tagging and graffiti laws in california

Tgging and graffiti are two things that most people have seen, especially if they live in an urban area. Pretty much every large city in the country is littered with graffiti and other signs of tagging. A lot of times, these random markings can make signs unreadable, and change the look of the city for […]