Tag Archives: best bail bonds chinatown

Who Do You Call? Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Chinatown Bail Bond Store

When one is arrested, they will contact their close friends and family who they can confide in. They will also contact a lawyer to help them through the case. If they are eligible to post bail, they will get a bail agent because paying cash bail is ridiculously expensive. Wondering which company is the best […]

Arrested for Licking a Toad? You Can Post Bail for That

Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Bail bonds are used to release defendants from jail who are accused of all sorts of crimes, such as theft, conspiracy, or domestic violence. You know, typical things that are obviously crimes. However, did you know that in California, a person can still technically be arrested for one of these outlandishly wacky laws? Women may […]

Who Benefits from Bail Bonds?

Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Believe it or not, the defendant in jail is not the only person who benefits from posting bail with a bail bond. Immediate family – They get to have their loved one back home. No more jail visits and empty seats at the dinner table. Employers – The defendant can return to work and earning […]

How You Should, and Shouldn’t, Conduct Yourself in Court

Chinatown Bail Bond Store

How you represent yourself at your court hearing is nearly as important as the case your lawyer is making. Your body language, dress, and overall presentation, speaks volumes to the jury, the judge, and others. Granted, some defendants will not be able to present themselves as neatly and professionally as others because they were not […]

Fall Is Here, but the Fun Keeps Going

Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Summer is officially gone, but do not expect your friends to stop hosting beach parties. Fall has beautiful, comfortable weather that is just right for going out. That means going out for a few drinks. Obviously the wise thing to do in this case is to designate a sober driver, but who wants to be […]