Tag Archives: bail bonds for defendants

Bail Is No Different For Celebrities

Everyone thinks that celebrities get special treatment and many times, it proves to be true. However, in serious times, it isn’t. Celebrities get treated in the same manner as every other person. Yes, celebrities do get arrested, and yes, they even get arrested for breaking the law just like anyone else. They also have to […]

Keep Calm And Don’t Get Yourself Arrested Too

If you’re in a situation where the police happen to be arresting your friend, at that particular moment, do not give the police any reason to arrest you as well. We understand that you are angered by the situation and you want to help your friend out. We understand that you’re probably going to get […]

What Does A Bail Bond Cosigner Do?

Applying for a bail bond means you need to meet a few qualifications. For one, whoever the bail bond is for needs to have been granted bail by the judge; sometimes the judge will deny bail, meaning that person cannot get a bail bond. Another qualification is the need for a co-signer. A co-signer is […]

Arrest Situations For Immigrants

If you know someone who is an immigrant to the United States and has just been arrested, you should know that they are facing a tough situation. However, they are not completely defeated. Here’s what you should know: They have the right to a lawyer, and that lawyer does not have to be government-provided council. […]

Help, I Can’t Afford My Bail!

Bail is expensive and not many people can afford to pay it. Bail bonds are the more affordable alternative to having a loved one sit in jail, but even then, some people struggle trying to pay this, as well as, making their other ends meet. However, bail bonds don’t have to be paid off by […]