Tag Archives: bail bond mobile agents bell gardens

Legalizing Psychedelic Mushrooms in California?

Bail Bonds in Bell Gardens

California may be one of the first states to legalize the use of psychedelic mushrooms, or at least that is one man’s plans. Kevin Saunders, who is a dispensary owner, activist, and currently running for mayor in Marina, wants to legalize the usage of these mushrooms for adults aged 21 and older. The push for […]

Conserving Water in California

Bail Bonds in Bell Gardens

While the drought may technically be over for many areas of California, it is never a bad idea to conserve water. Not only is conserving water good for the planet, it can be very good for your wallet as well. Many people argue against water conservation, stating that 71% of the earth is covered in […]

You can Be Fined for Crossing the Street During the Countdown

Bail Bonds in Bell Gardens

Believe it or not, a person is violating the law if they cross the street in the intersection when the hand is flashing with a countdown. Many Californians do not realize, or they forget, that it is actually illegal. They believe that they merely have that countdown left to get across the street safely. Actually, […]