Tag Archives: Bail bond agent

What Powers A Search Warrant Does And Does Not Have

A search warrant is a document authorizing the police to search through a person’s property and belongings. In order for the police to obtain a search warrant, they must present to the judge that they have probable cause to believe criminal activity has occurred, is occurring, or will occur in connection to the location and […]

Request A Tax Return – And Use It For Bail

When filing taxes, you’re asked whether you want to apply excess taxes from the previous year towards this year’s dues. Another option is if you would prefer to receive a tax return check. The benefit of the former option is that you would not have to pay as much; if and when you owe money. […]

What All Those Legal Bail Words Mean And Why They Matter

Bail – determined by a judge, this is the amount of money a defendant will need to pay court in order to leave jail. Bond, or bail bond – a written contract from a professional bail agent to the court (acts as bail payment) with the understanding that if the defendant fails to go to […]

What To Expect From A Great Bail Agent

Just like seeking out other services, you will want to find the best bail bond company and agent who will represent you with integrity and respect. You want someone you can rely on during this stressful time. You’ll likely come across multiple companies who will accept your case, but will not treat you properly. They […]