Tag Archives: Animal Abuse

Felony Animal Cruelty in California


It’s a story that broke the hearts of animal lovers all over Los Angeles. Local newspapers have been covering the story about a kitten who was thrown out in the trash. The fact that the kitten was considered a piece of trash is bad enough, the fact that it was also severely injured makes the […]

Laws Every California Pet Owner Should Know

pet laws

Owning a pet is a wonderful experience. In exchange for providing for their physical needs, your pet gives you unconditional love and great joy. Pet owners are usually healthier and happier than California residents who don’t own pets. While there are lots of perks associated with owning a pet, there are also several California pet […]

Winter Pet Tips

los angeles bail bond store winter pet tips

As the end of the year draws near, the weather gets colder and colder. Some parts of California have already reached temperatures that make most people choose to stay indoors. As the temperatures drop, it is important for everyone to stay warm for their own health and safety. While everyone hurries to bundle up for […]

What Should a Driver Do After Hitting an Animal?

brake checking in california

Most pet owners care deeply about their furry little companions. To them, pets are more than just animals, they are a part of the family. Pet owners, the good ones anyways, would do anything for their furry companions in order to keep them safe and happy. People love their pets. Unfortunately, not every pet, or […]

Animal Abuse Is Against the Law

Animal Abuse Is Against the Law

Every good pet owner would agree that their pet’s wellbeing often comes before their own. They want to make sure that their pet is safe and happy. Even most non pet owners want to help out animals who are in distress, if they can. Sadly, not everyone is so compassionate. There are some people out […]