Tag Archives: affordable bail bonds

Use Your Tax Return to Post Bail

Use Your Tax Return to Post Bail

It’s that time of the year again where everyone needs to sit down and file their taxes. Some people may be receiving a very sizable check from the government after doing that. This leaves many with the enviable problem of having money to send, and no idea what to do with it. Of course, the […]

Even The Tough Guys Need Help Sometimes

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Anyone who is arrested is going to need a tremendous amount of support, even if they act tough, and cool. This is just a cover. Anyone who is arrested faces serious charges and consequences that can drastically change their life. It is a scary experience. Behind every tough guy is someone who is actually scared, […]

How Can a Defendant Get Out of Jail?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Someone who is arrested has been accused of a crime. They are legally considered innocent until proven guilty in court, but their trial in court may not happen for some time after their arrest. What happens to the accused during this time? It is not fair to keep the accused in custody unless they are […]

Out-Of-State Bail Bond Options

LA Bail Bond Store

The next 3-day weekend coming up is Memorial Weekend and for many, that is a weekend that will be spent traveling! Whether going by plane, train, or automobile, take note of what is on your itinerary. You have a bunch of fun activities planned like the beach, hiking, camping, and probably drinking. Do everything responsibly […]

How can I Pay for a Bail Bond?

Van Nuys Bail Bond Store

Van Nuys Bail Bond Store provides affordable bail bonds for defendants who are held in California jails. Bail bonds are an alternative method to posting bail and costs only 10% of the full bail amount. On top of that, this 10%, called the premium, is paid in increments over a payment plan, custom created to […]