Tag Archives: affordable bail bonds in los angeles

Why You Deserve Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

If you ever need a bail bond, know that you deserve the best, most affordable, and most reliable service. This type of bail bond company does exist. After some research, you will find that the all of the arrows point you to Los Angeles Bail Bond Store. We Offer: 24/7 state-wide availability in California. Phone […]

You Need Help Helping Your Child? Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

At some point, usually when the child turns 18 and heads off to college, a parent will learn to let go. Even though the child has left the nest and is figuring life out on his or her own, the parent never abandons his or her child. Parents are always going to be there for […]

What is Bail and Why does it Exist?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Bail exists because it is unconstitutional to hold a person in jail for an unreasonable amount of time after their arrest, but before the declaration of guilt or innocence at the end of trial. Bail is the amount of money a person will owe to the court in order to be released from custody during […]

Do not Forget: Jaywalking is Illegal

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Jaywalking refers to a pedestrian who violates traffic regulations and crosses the street when it is not their right of way, like when the hand signal is on display for them, but they dash across the street anyway because there are no cars. The term also refers to pedestrians who cross the street outside of […]

The Risks of Driving in the Carpool Lane – Is it Worth It?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Carpool lanes in California are reserved for drivers who have at least 1 extra passenger in their vehicle. These lanes were created to relieve some traffic congestion. Often times, you will see the traffic in the carpool lane, or the high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane going faster than the other 3-6 lanes to the right […]