Tag Archives: 24/7 bail bond company

Your Loved One Will Not Have to Celebrate New Year’s in Jail

LA Bail Bond Store

If you are thinking it is too late to bail your loved one out of jail in time for New Year’s, it is not. Your chances of getting your loved one out in time are best when you have LA Bail Bond Store on your side. As a 24/7 company, LA Bail Bond Store knows […]

What It Takes to Be a Bail Bond Co-signer

Should you ever agree to co-sign someone’s bail bond, you must take your role very seriously. Being a bail bond co-signer, even for someone very close to you, puts you at risk of losing money and/ or belongings you put up as collateral. You essentially must stay on top of them and see that they […]

Major Bail Bond Benefits You May Not Know About

Being in jail is simply sitting around all day doing and nothing, having a few just-okay meals, and being allowed outside, maybe, for a few hours. Other than that, there is not much to it, pretty boring and miserable. As silly as it sounds, being in jail is actually hard work. If they want to […]

The Bail Bond Red Carpet

Celebrities live the good life, so why do so many of them end up getting arrested and charged with gun or drug possession, DUIs, or violence? The answer is because celebrities are still every day people just like you. They simply have more money and fame. While the glitz and glamor may seem really nice […]

How California Bail Works

For defendants, there is a price for freedom and that price can be very low, a few hundred dollars, extremely high, one million dollars, or anywhere in between. Freedom is what America is all about, so who gets to put a price on freedom for defendants? And how is that amount determined for each person? […]