Tag Archives: 24 hours bail bonds

Just How Long Can One Be Held Without Charges?

Just because someone is arrested doesn’t mean they will be charged right away. It doesn’t even mean they’ll be charged at all. But there comes a certain point after the arrest where the prosecution will either need to file charges or they and the police are forced to let you go. Each state has different […]

What To Expect At Your First Court Appearance – As A Defendant

Appearing in court for the first time (especially as a defendant rather than a juror) is intimidating. It’s like the first day at a new school – but worse. All eyes will be on you. Make sure you know what is going to happen at your first court appearance so as to not look like […]

How To Turn “June Gloom” Into “June Bloom”

In our industry, “June Gloom” isn’t the grey-ish forecast during the month, it’s the sad circumstances of anyone dealing with legal issues, arrests, and bail. But just like the weather changing rapidly, these depressing woes can quickly turn around for people and become like a “June Bloom.” You’re probably wondering what the heck we’re talking […]

You’re Smart Enough To Know Your Safety

It’s graduation season! Don’t be surprised to see your now grown-up child going off to nightly parties with friends. He or she is ready to enter the “real world” and just wants to celebrate this huge milestone. But as always, just remind them to be safe while having as much fun as they can. The […]

Find Yourself A Good Role Model

A part of succeeding in our lives is having a good role model to look up to. Whether it’s Mom or Dad or a friend, a sibling, or even someone you don’t personally know like the President, or a celebrity, or a humanitarian, or a CEO, having a role model is very critical. These role […]