Reporting Crimes: Required or Moral Obligation?


Did you know that if you witness a crime, you are not legally obligated to report it to authorities or to intervene? Of course, morally, it’s considered the right thing to do, but you wouldn’t be held legally responsible if you didn’t. These are circumstantial dilemmas and there are some instances where some people may have to take action, but overall, it’s not a required duty.

Many people don’t report a crime they witnessed or have knowledge of because they don’t want to get involved or they are concerned for their safety. Many people won’t intervene and stop the situation because it’s dangerous, and again, they don’t want to be involved.

Examples of situations or cases where it is mandatory to file a report with the police would include people in certain professions needing to report child abuse and/or elderly abuse. School counselors, doctors, and therapists are some professionals who are required to do this if they suspect something.

So if you were to ever witness a crime, it is up to you to use your best judgment. Remember, you can always report crimes anonymously.

Separately, if you need a bail bond for someone who has been arrested, you can count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Store to provide it. At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, our payment plans are affordable and flexible!

Get more information by chatting with us online or call us at 323-282-2157 to receive your free consultation.