Make Your Bail Bond Payment On Time With Your Tax Return


You should be getting your tax return any day now, and remember, because this is your money, you can certainly use it to help pay for bail. Using your tax return money towards a bail bond payment is 100% acceptable and legal.

Remember, your Hermosa Beach Bail Bond Store bail agent accepts payments in cash, credit, debit, and checks, so whatever you are most comfortable with, your agent will be fine with. For your convenience, we also have a secure online payment system.

Whatever you do, do not miss a payment. This can jeopardize the bail bond entirely, and possibly even get the bail bond revoked, resulting in the defendant being put back into jail. If you need assistance with the planning of your bail bond payments and scheduling, do not hesitate to reach out to your Hermosa Beach Bail Bond Store agent. It is much better to express your concerns by being forthcoming with the bail agent from the beginning, instead of leaving them in the dark and suddenly missing a payment.

Hermosa Beach Bail Bond Store is always on your side, and we want to help you reunite with your loved ones!

Call us at 323-282-2157 to speak with a bail representative, or for immediate assistance, chat with us online today.