How You Know You Can Trust Your Bail Agent

San Fernando Bail Bond Store

The best bail agents will freely welcome and encourage you to ask them any and all questions, including ones that relate to their legitimacy; they will happily and willingly answer you. If they may seem uncomfortable with the questions, you might want to pass on them and continue your search. After all, your quality of service will is dependent on their professionalism.

Here are 3 pivotal questions to ask bail agents before hiring them:

  1. Can you show me your license? You need someone who is currently licensed and has no history of complaints. You need the best of the best, the most qualified of the most qualified.
  2. What do you charge? Know what you need to pay, before you pay. Double check there will be no hidden fees.
  3. Can I get that in writing? Don’t fall for scams or get stuck in clouded areas. Get a copy of all the paperwork you sign so that you can provide proof if you ever need to.

If you need a trustworthy bail agent in California, contact San Fernando Bail Bond Store or 323-282-2157. Do not be afraid to ask the above 3 questions, we will not be offended!

2 Ways To Post Bail

The standard process for when someone gets arrested goes as follows: they may post bail (as long as they are eligible for it; rarely is a defendant not eligible for bail) and return home.

Posting bail is done most commonly by one of two methods:

  1. Cash bail – posting the full bail amount in cash to the court.
  2. Bail bond – hiring a licensed bail agent whom you pay 10% of the bail to, and he or she will front the bail on your behalf in the form of a bond.

Both bail methods are carried out with the understanding that the defendant will appear in court when the judge asks him or her to. If they fail to oblige, the bail or bail bond will be forfeited, meaning the defendant will not get that money back. There could likely be additional consequences as well.

To get started on making your bail posting more affordable and easier, speak with an agent at San Fernando Bail Bond Store at 323-282-2157.