Give a Friend the Happiest Time of the Year

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

If it is supposed to be the happiest time of the year, what is your loved one doing in jail? Jail is definitely not a happy place to be. It is not warm and inviting like home is during the holidays. Thinking about how your loved one is doing in jail is upsetting, so why do this to yourself and make them sit in jail any longer then they need to? Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, we will get your loved one out of jail.

During your free consultation with a bail agent from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, you will see how we can get your loved one out of jail. We will work with you on a customized payment plan, which will be 10% of the full bail amount, called the premium. Bail bonds are more flexible than cash bail and you get a professional bail agent’s assistance.

Most people use bail bonds to post bail, so do not be ashamed to contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store for help. Bring your loved one home and turn their mood around.

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store can be reached online, or at 323-282-2157.