Cyberbullying, And How It Relates To Los Angeles Bail Bond Store


Cyberbullying (intentionally posting personal information of and/ or harassing another person by electronic communication like texts, emails, and social media with the intent of causing fear) seems like a rather harmless crime, but in California, it’s taken very seriously. Cyberbullying has led victims to harm themselves, commit suicide, or act out and even harm others.

Subject to a fine of up to $1,000, and a jail sentence of up to 1 year, cyberbullying is a misdemeanor conviction. It happens most among young people but it can and does happen among adults too.

School educators and administrators are trained to look out for signs of cyberbullying. There is a procedure they must follow when a cyberbullying case is identified and reported.

As mentioned, bullying cases can lead to more serious crimes, and that’s when Los Angeles Bail Bond Store might be of help to you. In case you or someone you care about is arrested, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store will provide a low-cost bail bond to get you or them out of jail temporarily until the trial. Bailing out of jail is ideal, compared to having to stay in jail for an unknown period of time.

Learn more about bail bonds by chatting with us online or calling us at 323-282-2157.