Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Watts

What Is Acceptable Bail Bond Collateral?

A common necessity to secure a bail bond is to get collateral for it. The collateral is pledged, kind of like a ransom, if you will. As long as the defendant goes to court as scheduled, collateral for the bail bond will be returned to the owner. However, if the defendant fails his or her […]

California, Marijuana, And The Law

As lax as the police and the people might seem about marijuana in California, the drug is still technically not legalized in the state of California. That means you can be arrested and charged for growing, owning, distributing/ selling, and smoking marijuana unless you have a card, permit, or license for medical reasons. The severity […]

If You’re Going To Settle, Settle For The Best: Willowbrook Bail Bond Store Services

On the surface level, what you want is a bail bond for your loved one, right? But deeper down you know that not just any bail bond company will suffice. Not every bail bond company will meet the nitty gritty details that you want and deserve. Are you just going to settle for any bail […]

A Minor Detail Can Make A Big Difference

“Thank you Westmont Bail Bond Store Services for being there for me. Very nice staff and good service!” “Great service. They really simplified the process!” “She is very helpful. Alexa is a saint. She does good work.” These are just a few of the many nice things people have said about Westmont Bail Bond Store […]

Bail Bond Agents Are Mean, Scary, And Intimidating – That’s A Myth!

Let’s get one thing straight: bail bond agents aren’t intimidating and mean thug-like people. (Don’t worry, that’s a common misconception across the board.) Bail bond agents, just like the ones who work at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services, are just your regular everyday people doing their job with passion and care. At least at […]