Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Watts

Warning: DUI Arrests Increase On New Year’s Eve

In early January 2015, California Highway Patrol reported that the number of DUI arrests made over New Year’s Eve 2014 and New Year’s Day 2015 doubled compared to the same two days ringing in 2014. This increase was both for Los Angeles County and the state of California. In LA County, there were 219 DUI […]

Why Bail Bond Store Are Worth The Cost

While there is always a price tag on a bail bond to get a loved one out of jail, the emotional feeling renders that number priceless. There’s truly nothing like being able to embrace your loved one after they have been arrested and sitting in jail. Imagine what they were feeling this whole time – […]

Here’s What You Should Know About California’s Voting Rights For Convicts

When a convict is eligible to vote again (including in next year’s presidential election) will depend on their state. In California, convicts may not vote while they are serving their sentence or are on parole. However, once they are released from prison and complete parole, their voting rights are restored. They will need to re-register […]

How Your Phone Or MP3 Can Get You Arrested

Your text messages don’t contain information and secrets that you did something wrong, you’re not bullying another person through your phone, and you’re not sending, receiving, and taking any illegal photos. So how can your phone or MP3 still get you arrested? Your downloaded music by prove to be a problem for you later on. […]

As Absurd As It May Sound, You Can Actually Be Arrested For Watching Movies Online

Unless you’re a loyal Netflix or Hulu user, or a user of another legal and legitimate TV and movie streaming site, you’re probably and most definitely breaking the law by watching your shows online. These illegal sites are the ones that host multiple links to one show or movie. Some links may work and others […]