Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Watts

Don’t Let Your Luck Run Out! | Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Modern day St. Patrick’s Day celebrations consist of 2 key ingredients every March 17: wearing the color green and drinking alcohol. Kicking back with friends and family, sharing laughs, loosening up, and trying not to get pinched – why not! Our team at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store likes to get in on the fun […]

There Is No Better Time Than Now To Bring A Loved One Home | Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Spring is right around the corner – flowers are blooming, days are getting longer, the sun is coming out. These are the days that must be spent outdoors with your loved ones rather than being stuck inside your home like every other day or worse, being stuck inside a dark, gloomy, depressing jail. Welcome a […]

Positivity Goes A Long Way | Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store sheds light on the bail bond process in a way no one else would, and that’s showing the use of bail bonds with positive reinforcement rather than a negative connotation. Yes, getting arrested and thrown in jail has throws red flags everywhere and yes, hearing that a loved one of […]

How Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Helps Bail People Out Of Jail

The judge, who looks at the defendant’s crime, their criminal history, and their ties with the community, determines the amount of bail a defendant needs to post in order to be released from jail. Most people cannot afford bail on their own so they seek help of a bail bondsman like the agents at Los […]

How to Tell Your Parents You’re in Trouble

Admitting to someone, especially parents, that you’re in trouble can be terrifying, absolutely terrifying. But not telling them you need help is worse, as they are the people who can help you the most and offer you the most support. Parents never give up on their children – your parents will not give up on […]